We also offer a variety of pricing options for our classes and workshops making it easier to find the
right fit for your needs! From drop-in to bundles. Check out our options below!
Kids Yoga Flow:
Drop-in $22
5 Classes $90
10 Classes $160
Drop-in - $20 3 Months
4 Classes - $75 2 Months
Unlimited - $150 1 Month
New student drop-in $10
Stressless Yoga
7 Sessions $240
Drop-in $38
Sibiling drop-in $34
Expires in:
Intro to Art $200/mo
Clay Class $200/mo
Vocational Art $300/mo
Fiber Arts $200/mo 2 hrs Once a week Mixed Media $300/mo 2 hrs Once a week
Block Art $300/mo 2 hrs Once a week
Vocational $200/mo 2 hrs Once a week
Young Adult $300/mo 2 hrs Once a week
Classes are monthly enrollments
and include the all materials*
Once a week
Once a week
Once a week
1:30 hrs
1:30 hrs
2 hrs